Portraits Of Friends, Luckenwalde | Berlin

Portrait Of Friends live, Luckenwalde, Berlin.

for three turntables and video (2023)

The live set was part of BURNOUT, a weekend of talks, events and live music  seeking to address climate and capitalism, de-growth, and environmental imperialism. The international symposium series, interdisciplinary artist residency and digital toolkit happened at a former power station (E-WERK) of the town of Luckenwalde, in the countryside of Berlin.

Portraits Of Friends (2021) is a film work by Rebecca Salvadori built on nine electroacoustic pieces from my album Rueben (Die Schachtel, 2019).

Salvadori’s filmic research focuses on the fragmentation of the visual experience, practices of self-observation and the tradition of portraiture. The film includes animations that are part of a visual language developed in 2012 under the name of Euroemptiness.

The project features portraits of friends and artists Kristian K. Robinson, Coby Sey, Madalen Vicassiau, Alina Dolgin, Nhu Xuan Xua, Jack Dove, Yann Binet.

Portraits Of Friends is produced by TQS Collective. A reduced version of the film is presented on this occasion.